Monday, October 26, 2009

"Come to me....and you will find rest for your souls"

"Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease & relieve & refresh your souls.] Matt. 11:28

    The first thing the Lord says in this verse is to come to Him. When I've got a lot going on in my life & I'm being pulled in a hundred different direction, or I'm burdened with worries about my future; I admit that my first instinct is NOT to come to Him. I usually try to handle things in my own strength, and in my own timing. The Lord knows that I tend to be this way and that is why He keeps bringing me back to this verse time and time again.

     The next thing Jesus tells us, after He tells us to come, is that He will cause us to rest. He doesn't tell us to come to Him and He will give us the strength to labor some more. He says He will "cause us to rest." I love the amplified version that adds: "I will ease & relieve & refresh your souls." I believe this is a call to lay our burdenes down, allow Him to take them, so that we may experience His peace which comes from resting in Him. I know I sometimes forget that He's in control of all things, and there is nothing too big or impossible for Him.

     This past week we have been working with New Missions on creating our brochures that will go out to all of our family and friends to raise our monthly support. This brochure tells everyone about "New Missions", the Dominican Republic & about what we will be doing as missionaries in the Dominican Republic. Attached to it is a form that can be completed and sent in to partner with us in our mission to the people of the DR. We also have a copy of this form on our blog. It is labeled as a "Monthly Partnership Form". 

     When I think about the task of raising our monthly support that will provide for our family so that we can do what God has called us to do, I am overwhelmed and overburdened; but God has told me to rest. He is in control, so we are trusting that He will provide.

     Tony and I would like nothing more than to have the opportunity to share with you "one on one" or with a small group of you and your friends who would be interested in hearing what we will be doing and how you all can be apart of it as well. Email us at or call us at 615-400-4875 if you want more information about meeting with us. Not only can you partner with us in prayer/ monthly support, but you can also partner with us by being a part of a short term/one week mission trip. If you've never been on an overseas mission trip, then you don't know what you've been missing. Join us for a week you will never forget. Go to and click on "mission trips/ Dominican Republic" and then click on team dates to see when you would like to come and serve with us.  We look forward to hearing from you. 

Have a blessed day as you come and rest in Him!

Life Coach & Missionary to the DR,
Melissa Luther

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